Conversational Marketing

Conversational Marketing, what do we know?

Conversational Marketing, what do we know?

How we buy and sell has changed over the course of time. People do not want to fill out forms to get details of a product. They want something that is quicker and more efficient, something like messaging. If you think about it that is why we all like messaging. It is quick and easy. According to a Twilio survey, consumers actually want to interact and communicate with businesses through such platforms.

Sadly, most businesses are still stuck in the era of endless loops of form filling before the customer can actually get to what they want. They customer is put off and what could have been a potential conversion slips through. Customers want something efficient. Statistics have it that:

  • Only 43% of people answer cold calls.
  • Average e-mail open rate has fallen to 20%
  • Average landing page conversion rate is 2.35%

The numbers do not look so good but that only means that something can be done about it. Conversational marketing has been a solution to traditional marketing. What is conversational marketing? This is feed-back oriented approach that is used by companies to drive engagement, grow customer loyalty, build customer base and sequentially, generate revenue. Over and above this, it is about listening to your customer and their needs. After getting feed-back, you should be willing to include this newly acquired information to your marketing strategy.

Email marketing is one way of conversational marketing. You want to be careful with this method. You do not want to bombard your customer with emails about how great your product is. Instead, you could use it as a platform to conduct surveys for the pain points in your business to better services.

Live Customer Support is another way. This method, when properly implemented, bears best results. What you may not know that customer care is an important aspect of marketing. Companies that have invested in customer care have 24 hour helplines, Twitter support accounts, in-app chat or live help functionality.

Conversational marketing practices help with time management by ensuring that there is swift and timely communication. It also helps in personalization. The customer expects a relevant and personalized experience whenever they interact with your brand. Above everything, conversational marketing helps with analytics which aid in creating a complete persona of your customer and aid in delivering meaningful and relevant customer communications.


It is important to consider these elements of chat boxes and bots when building your website. It is from here that you interact with your customer. A friendly website with a functional bot will ultimately be your best bet in terms of retaining potential leads. A website is more than just an appealing landing page, but also about being user friendly and the ability to communicate with your customer.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing

  • Improved Customer Engagement: Real-time interactions enhance engagement.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty: Builds trust and loyalty by addressing customer needs promptly.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Statistics show improved conversion rates through conversational marketing.

Key Strategies in Conversational Marketing

  • Chatbots and AI: Handle common queries efficiently.
  • Personalized Messaging: Create personalized interactions.
  • Multi-Channel Approach: Use social media, live chat, and messaging apps.

Conversational marketing transforms customer interactions, enhancing engagement and conversions. Implement these strategies to stay ahead. Ready to boost customer engagement with conversational marketing? Contact us today to get started!

Whether or not you have a running website, consider conversational marketing. If you need help with this, website building and app development is a stronghold of ours, we will help you out.


Fiona Waithira is a content writer. You can check out her blog on

Digital For Africa

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