Digital 4 Africa Services

Our services are geared towards giving your company the competitive advantage you desire

At Digital 4 Africa, we specialize in helping companies succeed. The recipe for success in many organizations requires people, technology and processes to work seamlessly. Talk to us on how we can move your companies to the next level.


Web Development, Digital Marketing, Sales, and Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Data dashboards, insights, and data-driven recommendations.


Web Development, Digital Marketing, Sales, and Data Analytics

Our Core Service: Strategy

Data-driven Strategy For Business Growth: Development and Implementation

Let’s help you create and implement a strategy that incorporates technology and the power of the internet. How can the modern business differentiate itself in a world filled with cutthroat competition? by offering a marvellous customer experience with eh help of technology and processes. Let’s show you how.

Training Services

Our courses are structured to meet you at your point of need. Take our digital marketing masterclass, a course in sales or even PR.

Corporate Digital Marketing Training

This course is tailor-made to your company's needs. We dive deep into how your organization can take advantage of the digital space to enhance customer experience and grow your business.

In-depth Digital Marketing Courses

This course is tailor-made to your company's needs. We dive deep into how your organization can take advantage of the digital space to enhance customer experience and grow your business.

Digital Marketing Masterclass

This is a short, punchy but practical, step-by-step learning experience in digital marketing, suitable for the busy working professional and entrepreneurs.

Online Digital Marketing Training

This is a short, punchy but practical, step-by-step learning experience in digital marketing, suitable for the busy working professional and entrepreneurs that offered virtually.

Sales Training

Take your sales effort to the next level with our sales masterclass that incporates strategy and use of tools. This training also comes with free mentorship for one month.

Technology Services

Get a well ranking, user-friendly website. Enhance your customer experience and operational efficiency with our CRM and ERP Tools.

Web Design

A website is more than just an information resource tool. It can be a very powerful marketing tool and a medium for enhancing the user experience for your customers. Let's build that website with proper content and neat design that meets functionality.

ERP & CRM Solutions

Consultancy Services

All customer touchpoints give you the opportunity to collect and analyse your customer data

Every day, you interact with customers on various channels; website, SMS, accounting software, CRM, Email, social media or office productivity tools. These tools collect lots of data which when analysed can unlock opportunities by making the life of the customer better and grow your sales.

What are the benefits of making business decisions based on insights instead of a gut feeling? At Digital4Africa we’ve been offering companies data analytics strategies and the results have been impressive

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”

Software Services

Get the right tool for the right task and enhance both your customer and employee experience

Why Work with Digital 4 Africa?

We focus on offering solutions, not services

We have designed solutions for over 100 companies in East Africa in the following sectors: Financial services, Retail, Media Publishers and Technology among others, We understand how technology, business processes and human capital can be harnessed for business success.

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~ Caleb 😎