youth unemployment in service industries

4 Clear Strategies to Tackle Youth Unemployment in Service Industries

4 Clear Strategies to Tackle Youth Unemployment in Service Industries

I had a conversation with ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot on how we can unlock the potential of the Kenyan youth.

Question 1:  How many Kenyan youth are unemployed? Provide citations for your sources.

Answer:  According to the World Bank, the youth unemployment rate in Kenya was 26.2% in 2020. This means that approximately one in four young people in Kenya were unemployed that year.

Question 2: Kenya has a very high rate of youth unemployment.  What are the best strategies to use to unlock the potential of the youth, especially in relation to the service industries?

Answer: Introduction

  • Kenya has a large youthful population with a high unemployment rate
  • Unlocking the potential of the youth is crucial for the development of the service industry

Strategy 1: Invest in education and skills training

  • Providing access to education and skills training can help young people acquire the knowledge and skills needed for employment in the service industry
  • This can include technical and vocational training, as well as higher education in fields such as business, hospitality, and customer service

Strategy 2: Encourage entrepreneurship and small business development

  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and small business development can provide young people with the opportunity to create their own employment opportunities
  • This can include providing access to funding, business development resources, and mentorship programs

Strategy 3: Promote job creation through public-private partnerships

  • Public-private partnerships can help to create jobs in the service industry by bringing together the resources and expertise of the private sector with the support of the government
  • This can include initiatives such as subsidies for businesses that hire young people, tax incentives for companies that invest in youth training, and collaborations between government agencies and private sector companies

Strategy 4: Support the development of the service industry

  • Supporting the development of the service industry as a whole can create more job opportunities for young people
  • This can include initiatives such as investing in infrastructure, promoting tourism, and supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises


Question 3: Name the institutions that are already providing the above services in Kenya

There are several institutions in Kenya that are working to unlock the potential of the youth and promote the development of the service industry. These include:

  1. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which is responsible for providing access to education and skills training for young people in Kenya.
  2. The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives, which works to promote entrepreneurship and small business development through initiatives such as the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, which provides funding and business development support to young entrepreneurs.
  3. The Kenya Investment Authority, which is responsible for promoting investment in Kenya and facilitating public-private partnerships to create job opportunities for young people.
  4. The Kenya Tourist Board, which works to promote tourism in Kenya and support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the service industry.
  5. The Kenya Association of Manufacturers, which represents the interests of manufacturers in Kenya and works to support the growth of the service industry through initiatives such as training programs and business development support.
  6. The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), which is a membership organization that represents the interests of the private sector in Kenya and works to promote economic development and job creation.

Question 4: What about technology companies that are unlocking youth unemployment in Kenya?


There are also several technology companies in Kenya that are working to unlock the potential of the youth and promote the development of the service industry. These include:

  1. M-KOPA, a leading provider of pay-as-you-go solar energy solutions that has created job opportunities for young people in Kenya through its distribution and customer service networks.
  2. Safaricom, a telecommunications company that has launched initiatives such as the Safaricom Digital Academy and the Safaricom Appwiz Challenge to support the development of the tech industry in Kenya and create job opportunities for young people.
  3. Andela, a company that trains and employs top tech talent in Africa and places them with companies around the world, providing job opportunities for young people in Kenya and other African countries.
  4. BRCK, a company that develops technology solutions for emerging markets and has created job opportunities for young people in Kenya through its distribution and customer service networks.
  5. iHub, a tech incubator and co-working space that provides support to tech startups in Kenya and helps to create job opportunities for young people in the tech industry.
  6. M-Farm, a company that provides a platform for small-scale farmers in Kenya to connect with buyers and sell their produce, creating job opportunities for young people in the agriculture and technology sectors.
  7. Sendy, a company that provides a platform for individuals and businesses to book and track delivery services in Kenya, creating job opportunities for young people in the logistics and technology sectors.
  8. Twiga Foods, a company that provides a platform for small-scale retailers in Kenya to access affordable and reliable supplies of fresh produce, creating job opportunities for young people in the agriculture and technology sectors.
  9. Kopo Kopo, a company that provides a platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in Kenya to process mobile payments, creating job opportunities for young people in the financial and technology sectors.
  10. Bamba Group, a company that provides a platform for individuals and businesses to access affordable insurance coverage in Kenya, creating job opportunities for young people in the insurance and technology sectors.


Question 5:  What are some of the tools and infrastructure that Kenyan youth need to thrive in order to overcome unemployment, earn a living, or grow their businesses? Give me a list


There are several tools and infrastructure that can help young people in Kenya to thrive and pursue employment, entrepreneurship, or business growth. Some examples include:

  1. Access to education and skills training: Providing young people with access to education and skills training can help them acquire the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career or start a business.
  2. Access to funding: Providing young people with access to funding can help them start or grow a business, or pursue education or training that may not be otherwise affordable.
  3. Access to business development resources: Providing young people with access to resources such as business plan templates, mentorship programs, and networking opportunities can help them build the skills and knowledge needed to start and grow a successful business.
  4. Access to technology: Providing young people with access to technology such as computers, internet connectivity, and software can help them build the digital skills needed to pursue a career in the tech industry or use technology to support their business.
  5. Infrastructure and support for entrepreneurship: Providing young people with infrastructure and support for entrepreneurship, such as co-working spaces and incubators, can help them build the skills and networks needed to start and grow a successful business.


Francis Waithaka is the founder and lead trainer at Digital4Africa, a company specializing in technology and digital advertising. With over two decades of experience in the field, Francis is an expert in helping businesses and organizations navigate the ever-changing world of digital marketing and technology.

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