He is driven by a passion for becoming a leading digital marketer under the age of 30 within the next decade. He aims to excel in website development and provide top-notch IT support in web management, social media management, and customer relationship management.

Manasseh Opiyo Adina
Web Developer at Digital 4 Africa
Education >>
Meet Manasseh Adina
Manasseh Adina studied Business Information Technology with the dream to one day make a noticeable impact in his life and those around him, in the technological revolution. As a youthful lad striving for success in a third-world country, he understands that the future is online. Technology is rapidly changing as we know it, and what better way to stay relevant than to be at the center of it?
He is a web developer at Digital 4 Africa and the founder of GUMZO Counselling For Boys. Click the link and step into a world that will blow your mind as you drop a follow.
He began as a graphic design trainee in February 2023 and graduated with an official internship award at the beginning of March 2023. He worked hard to learn a new skill with every task he accomplished and journeyed on to become an entry-level web developer by August 2023.
He focuses on the primary goal of becoming the most sought-after digital marketer, having grown from the most sought-after digital company in East Africa. (Digital4Africa) Such a toll order inspires him to start each day with a bible chapter, a personal development task, and an amazing gospel playlist on Spotify before he clocks in at the office.
All work and no play makes Manasseh a dull developer. His greatest desire is to build a community of self-aware young men who truly understand their worth and divine purpose in life.
Manasseh's Expertise
Rome was not built in a day, but the sooner you begin the more beautiful a castle you will build
Graphic Design & Video Editing
At Digital 4 Africa, Manasseh’s first assignment was to design a social post for marketing a training program. His first design was so bad that the team made it an objective to teach him how it’s done. Today he commands Adobe Illustrator with a swoop like Harry Porter’s wand that leaves everybody marveling. He is known for always using every challenge as an opportunity to grow his knowledge base.
Digital 4 Africa
Beginning as a trainee, Manasseh has designed countless social post artworks promoting the digital marketing prowess of his first employer. You can see some of his work on our social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.
Dawit Insurance
Manasseh was deployed to the best insurance agency company in Kenya as a content strategist. Dawit has invested greatly in efficient systems of delivery that challenged Manasseh every day to perfect his control over them.
Web Development That Matches Your Value
A website is a digital footprint that most people use to monetize their businesses. A business exists to make a profit. Therefore, your website deserves to make you profit beyond the intrinsic value of your business. If you are not yet achieving this, don’t worry, just call Manasseh Adina.
Design & Development
Manasseh is a strong patriarch of the dogma, “The Future Works Online”. This motivates him to create as many online platforms as his long fingers can. He has specialized in unifying clients’ thoughts with their desired product that will not only put them online but also money in their pockets.
Training & Mentorship
“Give and it shall come back to you”. Manasseh is a competent teacher who passionately equips his students with skills, tips, and tricks to better web development. You can have the privilege of sitting in his web design training programs by clicking here to book for the next training program.
Proficiency in using technology tools for problem solving
Manasseh’s first moveable toy was a white traditional mouse with a very thin USB cord cable (that surprisingly survived being pulled and tossed for a year). He has been very passionate about techie gadgets which is why he believes that for every problem, there lies a solution in between the lines. You just need to know where to look and what tool to use. He has learned to take advantage of online resources such as Chrome extensions like ColorZilla to make his development work easy and efficient. He taught himself how to debug HTML 5 codes on Visual Studio with the help of YouTube and has now advanced to learn frameworks and Content Management Software like WordPress.
Imagery Optimization
Manasseh has learned to understand each image’s significant role on a website. He knows the importance of a well-optimized image name, size, and extension. With a little help from Brian Wamiori, his IT Director, he is on a journey to improve these skills to the best.
Social Media Management
Manasseh aims to create an impactful digital footprint on every social media platform he interacts with. To achieve this, he has equipped himself with knowledge on how to use digital tools like Meta Business Suite to upload and manage his client’s content on social media platforms. He is keen on discovering digital marketing tools like Trends24 that provide you with the latest trending hashtags to include on your social posts for more impressions.
"If the path to what you seek seems too easy, you might be on the wrong path."
Manasseh Adina the business owner
Manasseh is a champion of positive mental health and wellness amongst the boy child. He started his first company GUMZO Counselling For Boys to build this initiative.